About Us

This department is Being run by this Institute since 2009.MR.Surinder Pal Sir has been a Senior proffessor in this Department.With their Coopration this Department has Always been Dear to the Students.The purpose of this Department is to make Students Bright future by giving them the knowlwdge of Media, film making and journalism.Therefore,from time to time,Every Activity related to media and Journalism is done here, so that the Students get more Knowledge.The department providing teaching and training in camera handling,video editing,photography,news reading,film production,video production,news reporting,sound recording.Studio of department is equipped with vedio camera, lights,tv, computer system and speakers for video and sound editing. The studio of department is fully AC. Media is Playing an Important role in Today's Time,So this Subject and Course is very Beneficial for the Future of Today's Generation,

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